Beny Maissner


The entire generation of my mother and father, both sides all went out as late as 39 from Vienna. And my father's youngest brother also about 39 got out of Germany, which was quite late. He ended up in England and then as a German citizen, he was an enemy of the British, right? So they sent him to Australia. Israel Alter was incredible Cantor and anyway, he left Hanover 1935. When he was on a ship coming back from South Africa, he told me that he heard Hitler's speech and the Nuremberg laws, as early as ‘35. So he took half his family to South Africa. He left and one sister of my mother came to America, ended up in Tallahassee, Florida. The other sister went to South Africa of my father's and I'm talking. And my father went to Israel and the younger brother went to Australia on the Sobol on my mother's side because my mother came to Palestine, one sister ended up in South Africa again, and the brother in South Africa and another brother of my mother was already in Israel from 1933. And so my mother decided to go to Palestine at that time…